Thursday, September 25, 2008

My opinion on the Pueblo Tribe!=]

My opinion on the Pueblo tribe is they are a cool tribe and learning about them are a good experience to see how it was back then to be an Indian and see how they lived their life. I think what i read and saw in some pictures and websites that i read was that it must have been a very fun tribe and also a tough tribe because when they would have special ceremonies they would dress up in funny costumes and do a traditional dance and sometimes they would actually train to make there body stronger like they do in the Delaware tribe. The Pueblo tribe is somewhat like us today. Their styles are still around today after almost 500 years.(Thats a long time =O! old tribe tehe=] ).

1 comment:

Dena said...

nicee pagee =]

The Pueblos transpertation!

Originally they just walked. There were no horses in North America until colonists brought them over from Europe, so the Pueblos used dogs pulling, a sled to help them carry heavy loads. Once Europeans brought horses to America, the Pueblo Indians could travel more quickly than before.


The Pueblo Language

The Pueblo are a diverse people and speak many different languages. There are three main languages spoken; each containing several subgroups. The main languages include: Uto-Aztecan, Keresan, and Tanoan. Though there are differences in the way the people speak their languages, it does not put a barrier between them. Dialectal differences between Pueblo speakers are common and more of a novelty than a problem.